Презентация результатов проекта на секции

Soviet and American Images of the “Enemy Number One”: Cold War Cinema and its Contemporary Reception’ 

52-го Конгресса Ассоциации  славянских,  восточноевропейских  и  евразийских  исследований (ASEEES)

(8 ноября 2020)


Chair – Oleg Riabov (St Petersburg State U)


Papers —

Oleg Riabov (St Petersburg State U). Dehumanization of the Enemy in Soviet and American Early Cold War Films: Comparative Analysis

Olga Davydova (St Petersburg State U). The Images of the Enemy in Soviet Cold War Non-fiction Films: Rhetorical and Narrative Strategies 

Aleksander Kubyshkin (St Petersburg State U). Political Detent and Reset: The Deconstruction of Ideological Rival Image in Soviet and American Cinema in 1970-1980s

Tatiana Riabova (Herzen State Pedagogical U of Russia, St Petersburg). Cinematic Images of Cold War Militaries’ Masculinities in the Eyes of Contemporary Russians and Americans


Discussant — Olga Vadimovna Shnyrova (Ivanovo Center for Gender Studies)


Session manager — Olga Davydova (St Petersburg State U).